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select one-acts (more on "the plays" page)

scripts & royalty info on request

Room Circus

LGBT screwball bedroom farce (2W, 1M)

Jake’s about to ditch Margot in the honeymoon suite, when her ex, Sienna, arrives with a special order of room service. Fasten your seat belts - it’s going to be a bumpy honeymoon. Partial nudity welcome.




Tuesdays in the Park with River Apple

Comedy (5W)

New to the city and to full-time motherhood, Abby just wants to make friends. Play nice, ladies!

Zane to Gate 69       
Homespun Webs: Imagining Louise Bourgeois

Sci fi comedy (2W, 1M, 1w/m)
Kate Welles, a secret agent from a future dystopia, is sent back to 1972 to brief a  bumbling spy on what could be his -- and humanity's -- last mission.
But will she be in time? 


Comedy with magical realism (2W)

Drunk and alone, Madeline’s about to give up on life after divorce, when she’s interrupted by the spectral presence of renowned spider artist Louise Bourgeois, who wants to talk about new webs.


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