C.J. Ehrlich

playwright - screenwriter
The Lilac Ticket
"It’s a real joy to find a play that celebrates the good things in life."
● Published - Best American Short Plays of 2014-15,
Applause/Hal Leonard
“I was spellbound.” - David Suissa, LA Jewish Journal
"Filled with humour and a beautiful story about long time, love and relationships, The Lilac Ticket is easy to stage, will deliver plenty of laughs, and leave your audience feeling good about life. No wonder it’s had so many productions"
- James Hutchison
“Absolutely beautiful play”
- Jim Finch, Artistic Director, Boquete Players
"A perennial favorite" - Rare Earth Theatre, Sedona, AZ
“Great laughs” - Patrick Gabridge, The Writing Life x3
“Eat my pickles. Wear clean underwear. Marry a doctor.”
- Bubbies of Los Angeles

Jane Cartier and Bob Gillett in Theatre One Slice of Life festival, Middleboro, MA Sep 2021